Apex Bodies for Higher Education Governance in Italy
Regulatory Bodies in Education administers various tasks including formatting curriculum, making education policies, guiding education providers, maintaining quality control, making budget proposals etc. All such education bodies directly and sometimes indirectly come under the umbrella of education ministry. Here given in brief about educational apex bodies in Italy.
Ministry for Education, University and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’ Universita e della Ricerca - MIUR)
The MIUR encourages scientific and technological research and the development of both universities and other higher institutions bestowed with university status. It designs and coordinates developments and changes in the university framework. Additionally it apportions funds to universities and co-ordinates Italian participation in EU and worldwide programs associated to higher education and scientific and technological research.
National University Council (Consiglio Universitario Nazionale - CUN)
The National University Council (CUN) is an elected body, comprising of representatives from Italian universities. It performs consultative role on matters such as university growth and development, financing matters, approval of university teaching regulations, and recruitment of teaching and research staff.
Italian University Rectors’ Conference (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita Italiane - CRUI)
The Rectors’ Conference consists of Rectors from both state and non-state universities. The principal obejective is to look into the issues connected to the university system and represent university needs to government. It also encourages and supports the university initiatives at the national and international level.
National Council of University Students (Consiglio Nazionale degli Studenti Universitari - CNSU)
The National Council of University Students is an advisory body of student representatives from all Italian universities. It caters to the university needs and funding issues. It draws up the plans on university matters and gives a report on student conditions to the Minister.
National Committee for the Assessment of the University System (Comitato Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario)
This committee comprises of 9 members, appointed by the Ministry. Their primary duty is to set the general standards for the assessment of university activities and also, encourages research, application and diffusion of evaluation methods and practices.
University Governance Authorities
Each university formulates it own rules and regulations by rectoral decree. The authorities that regulate and administer a university are as follows:
Rector (Rettore)
In state establishments, the Rector is the legal representative and presides over the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors. It executes their decisions, oversees the general running of all universities, and is accountable of disciplinary issues. It also makes agreements for external partnerships and associations, and organises all university education and research activities.
Academic Senate (Senato Accademico)
The Academic Senate consists of the Rector, the Faculty Deans and representatives of the academic community. It establishes the general rules and regulations for activities and plans university development. It assents to the university rules, coordinates teaching activities and possesses the ability to plan, coordinate and manage university autonomy.
Board of Directors (Consiglio di Amministrazione)
The Board of Directors oversees all administrative, personnel and financial affairs, and approves the budget. It comprises of the Rector, the Head of Administration and representatives of the academic and external business community.
Other Bodies
Other bodies comprises of the University council, Student Council, Research council, technical and administrative staff council, Standing Conference of Department Directors, Board of Auditors, Commissions for teaching and student, Observatory for university activities, Committee for equal opportunities, Sponsors’ committee and University Evaluation Unit.
For more details and latest information about education administration in Italy follow the official website www.miur.gov.it